
Welcome to Room 2's Learning Blog. Our blog is a place where we can share all the exciting things we are learning and doing at school. We look forward to interacting with you and having you post comments on our blog.


From Monday-Thursday your child will bring home a class reader to share with you. These books should be at or below your child’s instructional level, and will  have been read previously in class. The name of the book will be written into their notebook. Please sign this to show that they have shared it with you and feel free to make a comment about their reading.
Each Friday s/he will have a poem in their book-bag. Please read this together with your child. Have fun going back over old poems too!

Each week your child will have 5 spelling words to learn from Monday to Thursday.
They can be copied onto card as flashcards or made up from magnetic letters and displayed on the fridge. Ask your child to read them to you from time to time, practise writing them, or rearrange magnetic letters to spell the word.

Mathletics is an amazing educational website that helps students in learning new mathematical strategies and knowledge. Every student at Hinuera School has a password and username for Mathletics. This is glued into the front of your child’s homework book.